Last week I had a phone conference with my youngest son’s preschool teacher. She said the only thing he needs to work on, right now, is number recognition and counting number 6 through 10. With Thanksgiving only a few short weeks away, I was reminded of a simple turkey counting activity I did with my middle son a couple of years ago. As a prepared to repeat the counting activity with my son, I thought I would share it Now I am sharing it with everyone!
Turkey Counting to 10 Activity
10 craft sticks
small colored feathers
STEP 1: Draw eyes, a beak, and waddle on each craft stick using markers.
STEP 2: Number the craft sticks from 1 to 10.
STEP 3: Tell your child to glue the amount of feathers to each craft stick that matches the number. For example, if the number written on the craft stick is 3, they should glue on 3 feathers.
And that’s it! A simple, but fun number recognition activity!
Here’s how all my son’s turkeys turned out!
Even with the feathers already glued on, these colorful turkeys are great for practicing number recognition. First, show your child one of the turkeys, and ask them what number is on the turkey. If they know the number, then confirm their answer by counting the feathers. Say something like “Right! The number is four! There are 1, 2, 3, 4 feathers on this turkey!” If they don’t know the number, then teach them how to find the answer on their own by counting the feathers. Say “1, 2, 3, 4 feathers! There are four feathers!”. Repetition is key with my kids!